Binder (material)

A binder is any material or substance that holds or draws other materials together to form a cohesive whole mechanically, chemically, or as an adhesive. Often materials labeled as binders can have their roles reversed with what they are binding, i.e. fibrous filling materials can also be considered to be binders as they contribute to the strength of composite materials when the matrix material is prone to crack under tension and shear forces. The transition/binding property is used widely to prepare shaped articles (e.g. pots and vases) or to bind solid pieces (e.g. bricks).

Binder (material)

A binder is any material or substance that holds or draws other materials together to form a cohesive whole mechanically, chemically, or as an adhesive. Often materials labeled as binders can have their roles reversed with what they are binding, i.e. fibrous filling materials can also be considered to be binders as they contribute to the strength of composite materials when the matrix material is prone to crack under tension and shear forces. The transition/binding property is used widely to prepare shaped articles (e.g. pots and vases) or to bind solid pieces (e.g. bricks).