Binghamton University Explorchestra

The Binghamton University Explorchestra (commonly known as "Explorchestra," or "Explo,") is a composers' orchestra based in Binghamton University in Binghamton, NY. The ensemble performs exclusively original music. All members of Explorchestra have the opportunity to submit (and, if they choose to,) conduct new works. Due to its inherent diversity, the orchestra offers its members opportunity to learn the many facets of a modern orchestra from conducting, arrangement, and audio production to arts management, fundraising, and marketing.

Binghamton University Explorchestra

The Binghamton University Explorchestra (commonly known as "Explorchestra," or "Explo,") is a composers' orchestra based in Binghamton University in Binghamton, NY. The ensemble performs exclusively original music. All members of Explorchestra have the opportunity to submit (and, if they choose to,) conduct new works. Due to its inherent diversity, the orchestra offers its members opportunity to learn the many facets of a modern orchestra from conducting, arrangement, and audio production to arts management, fundraising, and marketing.