Birth of America

Birth of America is a turn-based strategy computer game by SEP BOA, a development team at AGEOD. In Birth of America, the player controls one of the major contenders of the French and Indian War or the American War of Independence, trying to achieve military and political victory. The scope of the game covers all of North America, from Florida to Quebec and New England to Mississippi, from 1755 to 1783. The game map is divided into more than 700 provinces, with a great diversity of terrain, climates and civilization levels.

Birth of America

Birth of America is a turn-based strategy computer game by SEP BOA, a development team at AGEOD. In Birth of America, the player controls one of the major contenders of the French and Indian War or the American War of Independence, trying to achieve military and political victory. The scope of the game covers all of North America, from Florida to Quebec and New England to Mississippi, from 1755 to 1783. The game map is divided into more than 700 provinces, with a great diversity of terrain, climates and civilization levels.