Bistatic angle

The bistatic angle is the angle subtended between the transmitter, target and receiver in a bistatic radar. When it is exactly zero the radar is a monostatic radar, when it is close to zero the radar is pseudo-monostatic, and when it is close to 180 degrees the radar is a forward scatter radar. Elsewhere, the radar is simply described as a bistatic radar. The bistatic angle is an important factor in determining the radar cross section of the target.

Bistatic angle

The bistatic angle is the angle subtended between the transmitter, target and receiver in a bistatic radar. When it is exactly zero the radar is a monostatic radar, when it is close to zero the radar is pseudo-monostatic, and when it is close to 180 degrees the radar is a forward scatter radar. Elsewhere, the radar is simply described as a bistatic radar. The bistatic angle is an important factor in determining the radar cross section of the target.