Black-bag cryptanalysis

In cryptography, black-bag cryptanalysis is a euphemism for the acquisition of cryptographic secrets via burglary, or other covert means - rather than mathematical or technical cryptanalytic attack. The term refers to the black bag of equipment that a burglar would carry or a black bag operation. The case of United States v. Scarfo highlighted one instance in which FBI agents using a sneak and peek warrant placed a keystroke logger on an alleged criminal gang leader.

Black-bag cryptanalysis

In cryptography, black-bag cryptanalysis is a euphemism for the acquisition of cryptographic secrets via burglary, or other covert means - rather than mathematical or technical cryptanalytic attack. The term refers to the black bag of equipment that a burglar would carry or a black bag operation. The case of United States v. Scarfo highlighted one instance in which FBI agents using a sneak and peek warrant placed a keystroke logger on an alleged criminal gang leader.