Black Bridge

Black Bridge is an independent 2006 comedy-drama film from Canada and was written and directed by Kevin Doherty. It was shot (and re-shot) over the course of 2002 and 2003 with practically no budget. The film is a period piece that takes place in May 1984 Canada during the height of heavy metal music popularity. The film's soundtrack featured music by Winnipeg metal acts Lawsuit and Labyrinth along with Canadian metal acts Goat Horn, Betrayer, Kick Axe, Thor, Anvil, Helix, Brighton Rock, Trained Bears and the American group Geronimo!.

Black Bridge

Black Bridge is an independent 2006 comedy-drama film from Canada and was written and directed by Kevin Doherty. It was shot (and re-shot) over the course of 2002 and 2003 with practically no budget. The film is a period piece that takes place in May 1984 Canada during the height of heavy metal music popularity. The film's soundtrack featured music by Winnipeg metal acts Lawsuit and Labyrinth along with Canadian metal acts Goat Horn, Betrayer, Kick Axe, Thor, Anvil, Helix, Brighton Rock, Trained Bears and the American group Geronimo!.