Black Procession

Black procession (Polish: Czarna procesja) refers to a demonstration held by burghers in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's capital of Warsaw on 2 December 1789, during the Great Sejm. It vastly constributed to the passage of a belated major urban reform. Only members of the royal towns (with the notable exception of Kraków) took part in the procession; the representatives of the private towns (owned by the magnates) did not.

Black Procession

Black procession (Polish: Czarna procesja) refers to a demonstration held by burghers in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth's capital of Warsaw on 2 December 1789, during the Great Sejm. It vastly constributed to the passage of a belated major urban reform. Only members of the royal towns (with the notable exception of Kraków) took part in the procession; the representatives of the private towns (owned by the magnates) did not.