Black powder rocket motor

A black powder rocket motor propels a model rocket using black powder. Black powder rocket propellants consist of charcoal, sulfur, and potassium nitrate. Adjustments can be made to the amount of each component to change the rate at which the black powder burns. Black powder rocket motors were created in a primitive form by the Chinese in the early 13th century, and through the years refinements have been made and several uses created. They have been used for weapons and surveillance devices as well as recreation.

Black powder rocket motor

A black powder rocket motor propels a model rocket using black powder. Black powder rocket propellants consist of charcoal, sulfur, and potassium nitrate. Adjustments can be made to the amount of each component to change the rate at which the black powder burns. Black powder rocket motors were created in a primitive form by the Chinese in the early 13th century, and through the years refinements have been made and several uses created. They have been used for weapons and surveillance devices as well as recreation.