Blackamoors (decorative arts)

Blackamoor figures are sculptures and other depictions of exoticized figures, usually African males but sometimes other non-European races, used in European art in the Early Modern period. They occur in various media, often holding a tray or some other container, which was available for practical use. They occur in jewelry, armorial designs and decorative art. They often represent a conceit depicting a symbolic servant, and large examples of about half-size were placed on either sides of doorways, as real footmen might be. These examples were typically in cheaper materials such as painted wood, or plaster.

Blackamoors (decorative arts)

Blackamoor figures are sculptures and other depictions of exoticized figures, usually African males but sometimes other non-European races, used in European art in the Early Modern period. They occur in various media, often holding a tray or some other container, which was available for practical use. They occur in jewelry, armorial designs and decorative art. They often represent a conceit depicting a symbolic servant, and large examples of about half-size were placed on either sides of doorways, as real footmen might be. These examples were typically in cheaper materials such as painted wood, or plaster.