Blaengwawr Comprehensive School

Blaengwawr Comprehensive School (Ysgol Gyfun Blaengwawr) is found in the village of Aberaman, near Aberdare, Rhondda Cynon Taf. The school's catchment area includes the communities of Aberaman, Cwmaman, Godreaman and Abercwmboi. It is a mixed school with over 800 girls and boys. Included in this number are approximately 160 pupils attending from outside the catchment area. The main feeder Primary schools include Blaengwawr, Oaklands, Glynhafod and Cap Coach. The school also houses the Special Support Centre for pupils throughout the Cynon Valley who have physical or hearing difficulties.

Blaengwawr Comprehensive School

Blaengwawr Comprehensive School (Ysgol Gyfun Blaengwawr) is found in the village of Aberaman, near Aberdare, Rhondda Cynon Taf. The school's catchment area includes the communities of Aberaman, Cwmaman, Godreaman and Abercwmboi. It is a mixed school with over 800 girls and boys. Included in this number are approximately 160 pupils attending from outside the catchment area. The main feeder Primary schools include Blaengwawr, Oaklands, Glynhafod and Cap Coach. The school also houses the Special Support Centre for pupils throughout the Cynon Valley who have physical or hearing difficulties.