
Blatcherism is a term formed as a portmanteau of the names of two British politicians, Tony Blair (Labour Party) and Margaret Thatcher (Conservative Party). It has been used by critics of monetarism and neo-liberal economics to refer to the thesis that a policy model of the Thatcher government, distinct from One Nation Conservatism, was resurrected when Blair came to power. It echoed 'Butskellism', frequently used to describe the post-war consensus on a mixed economy with moderate state intervention to promote social goals, particularly in education and health.


Blatcherism is a term formed as a portmanteau of the names of two British politicians, Tony Blair (Labour Party) and Margaret Thatcher (Conservative Party). It has been used by critics of monetarism and neo-liberal economics to refer to the thesis that a policy model of the Thatcher government, distinct from One Nation Conservatism, was resurrected when Blair came to power. It echoed 'Butskellism', frequently used to describe the post-war consensus on a mixed economy with moderate state intervention to promote social goals, particularly in education and health.