Bloodfin tetra

The bloodfin tetra (Aphyocharax anisitsi) is a species of characin from the Paraná River basin in South America. The bloodfin is a relatively large tetra, growing to 5.5 cm. Its notable feature (as the name suggest) is the blood-red colouration of the tail, dorsal, anal and adipose fin, while the body is silver in color. Bloodfin tetras are extremely hardy, making them popular with novice fish keepers.

Bloodfin tetra

The bloodfin tetra (Aphyocharax anisitsi) is a species of characin from the Paraná River basin in South America. The bloodfin is a relatively large tetra, growing to 5.5 cm. Its notable feature (as the name suggest) is the blood-red colouration of the tail, dorsal, anal and adipose fin, while the body is silver in color. Bloodfin tetras are extremely hardy, making them popular with novice fish keepers.