Boaty McBoatface

The name Boaty McBoatface was originally proposed in an online poll to name the ship that was eventually called RRS Sir David Attenborough, in honour of David Attenborough. Although Boaty McBoatface was the most popular choice in the #NameOurShip poll, the decision to use the name for the mother ship was over-ruled when the minister Jo Johnson announced that the Boaty McBoatface name would be used for the remotely controlled submersibles aboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough instead.

Boaty McBoatface

The name Boaty McBoatface was originally proposed in an online poll to name the ship that was eventually called RRS Sir David Attenborough, in honour of David Attenborough. Although Boaty McBoatface was the most popular choice in the #NameOurShip poll, the decision to use the name for the mother ship was over-ruled when the minister Jo Johnson announced that the Boaty McBoatface name would be used for the remotely controlled submersibles aboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough instead.