Bodhidharma/Birthplace sources

Various possible birthplaces for Bodhidharma are mentioned in a variety of sources. They come down to either South India or Central Asia. South Indian possibilities are: 1. * A "persistent tradition" sees Bodhidharma as "the third son of a Pallavine king from Kanchipuram", in Kanchipuram district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, South-South East India. 2. * Another Indian traditions describes him as being born in the historic city of Vanchi, capital of the ancient Chera Kingdom. The location of Vanchi is generally considered at Mahodayapuram (also called Thiru-vanchi-kulam) near the ancient port city of Muziris, municipality Kodungallur, state of Kerala, South West India. 3. * A third Indian possibility is Kochi. Kochi is part of the Ernakulam district in the state of Kerala, S

Bodhidharma/Birthplace sources

Various possible birthplaces for Bodhidharma are mentioned in a variety of sources. They come down to either South India or Central Asia. South Indian possibilities are: 1. * A "persistent tradition" sees Bodhidharma as "the third son of a Pallavine king from Kanchipuram", in Kanchipuram district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, South-South East India. 2. * Another Indian traditions describes him as being born in the historic city of Vanchi, capital of the ancient Chera Kingdom. The location of Vanchi is generally considered at Mahodayapuram (also called Thiru-vanchi-kulam) near the ancient port city of Muziris, municipality Kodungallur, state of Kerala, South West India. 3. * A third Indian possibility is Kochi. Kochi is part of the Ernakulam district in the state of Kerala, S