Boeing Condor

The Boeing Condor is a high-tech test bed aerial reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle. It has a wingspan of over 200 feet. Carbon-fibre composite materials make up the bulk of the Condor's fuselage and wings. Although the Condor has a relatively low radar cross-section and infra-red signature, it is not unobservable making it too vulnerable for use in military operations. During its evaluations, the Condor logged over 300 flight hours, flying over Moses Lake, Washington.

Boeing Condor

The Boeing Condor is a high-tech test bed aerial reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle. It has a wingspan of over 200 feet. Carbon-fibre composite materials make up the bulk of the Condor's fuselage and wings. Although the Condor has a relatively low radar cross-section and infra-red signature, it is not unobservable making it too vulnerable for use in military operations. During its evaluations, the Condor logged over 300 flight hours, flying over Moses Lake, Washington.