Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black

Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black is an Indonesian musical collaboration group, formed in 2005 in Bandung. The group consists of Bondan Prakoso and Fade 2 Black' member Tito Budidwinanto (Titz), Ardaninggar Nazir (Santoz) and Danial Rajab Fahreza (Lezzano). The collaboration group had released four studio albums: Unity (2005), Respect (2007), For All (2010) and Respect & Unity For All (2012).

Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black

Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black is an Indonesian musical collaboration group, formed in 2005 in Bandung. The group consists of Bondan Prakoso and Fade 2 Black' member Tito Budidwinanto (Titz), Ardaninggar Nazir (Santoz) and Danial Rajab Fahreza (Lezzano). The collaboration group had released four studio albums: Unity (2005), Respect (2007), For All (2010) and Respect & Unity For All (2012).