Book of the Dead of Amen-em-hat

Book of the Dead of Amen-em-hat is a seven-metre-long scroll on display at the Royal Ontario Museum. A Book of the Dead is a key funerary (and religious) artifact in any tomb from Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have discovered a wide range of styles and details on scrolls which have led scholars to conclude that the Book of the Dead was an object any Ancient Egyptian ensured they had for their journey to the afterlife. The Ancient Egyptians believed that the recently deceased had to navigate a dangerous underworld to reach the afterlife. The Book of the Dead contained spells and prayers that provided guidance and protection through the journey.

Book of the Dead of Amen-em-hat

Book of the Dead of Amen-em-hat is a seven-metre-long scroll on display at the Royal Ontario Museum. A Book of the Dead is a key funerary (and religious) artifact in any tomb from Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have discovered a wide range of styles and details on scrolls which have led scholars to conclude that the Book of the Dead was an object any Ancient Egyptian ensured they had for their journey to the afterlife. The Ancient Egyptians believed that the recently deceased had to navigate a dangerous underworld to reach the afterlife. The Book of the Dead contained spells and prayers that provided guidance and protection through the journey.