Book report

A book report is an essay discussing the contents of a book, written as part of a class assignment issued to students in schools, particularly in the United States at the elementary school level. Teachers frequently give students a list of books from which they may choose one for the report, although sometimes students may select a work entirely of their own choosing. Teachers may set the list of books through such methods as including the works of one particular author, reading multiple works to students aloud and having each student select one of the books for the report, or choosing the books through a class selection process.

Book report

A book report is an essay discussing the contents of a book, written as part of a class assignment issued to students in schools, particularly in the United States at the elementary school level. Teachers frequently give students a list of books from which they may choose one for the report, although sometimes students may select a work entirely of their own choosing. Teachers may set the list of books through such methods as including the works of one particular author, reading multiple works to students aloud and having each student select one of the books for the report, or choosing the books through a class selection process.