Botched by Nature

Botched by Nature is an American reality television series that premiered on the E! cable network on August 9, 2016. Announced in October 2015, the eight-part series features doctors Terry Dubrow and Paul Nassif who travel around the country and try to help people that were "botched by genetics or a traumatic incident". The show is a spin-off of another plastic surgery-related series entitled Botched aired on the same network and starring both Nassif and Dubrow.

Botched by Nature

Botched by Nature is an American reality television series that premiered on the E! cable network on August 9, 2016. Announced in October 2015, the eight-part series features doctors Terry Dubrow and Paul Nassif who travel around the country and try to help people that were "botched by genetics or a traumatic incident". The show is a spin-off of another plastic surgery-related series entitled Botched aired on the same network and starring both Nassif and Dubrow.