
Braina is an intelligent personal assistant application for Microsoft Windows developed by Brainasoft. Braina uses natural language interface and speech recognition to interact with its users and allows users to use English language sentences to perform various tasks on their computer. The application can find information from the internet, play songs and videos of user's choice, take dictation, find and open files, set alarms and reminders, performs math calculations, controls windows and programs etc. Braina's Android app can be used to interact with the system remotely over a Wi-Fi network.


Braina is an intelligent personal assistant application for Microsoft Windows developed by Brainasoft. Braina uses natural language interface and speech recognition to interact with its users and allows users to use English language sentences to perform various tasks on their computer. The application can find information from the internet, play songs and videos of user's choice, take dictation, find and open files, set alarms and reminders, performs math calculations, controls windows and programs etc. Braina's Android app can be used to interact with the system remotely over a Wi-Fi network.