Brazilian monitor Santa Catharina

The Brazilian monitor Santa Catharina (in modern spelling, Santa Catarina) was the sixth, and last, ship of the Pará-class river monitors built for the Brazilian Navy during the Paraguayan War in the late 1860s. By the time she was completed the war was winding down and she only had one significant engagement against Paraguayan forces in 1869. The ship was assigned to the Mato Grosso Flotilla after the war. Santa Catharina sank at her moorings while under repair in 1882.

Brazilian monitor Santa Catharina

The Brazilian monitor Santa Catharina (in modern spelling, Santa Catarina) was the sixth, and last, ship of the Pará-class river monitors built for the Brazilian Navy during the Paraguayan War in the late 1860s. By the time she was completed the war was winding down and she only had one significant engagement against Paraguayan forces in 1869. The ship was assigned to the Mato Grosso Flotilla after the war. Santa Catharina sank at her moorings while under repair in 1882.