Breakover angle

Breakover angle is a relevant performance metric in many common vehicle scenarios, including: * Off-roading. * Loading a vehicle onto a higher surface with a ramp. * Going over raised railroad crossings. * Going over speed bumps * Going over linkspans If a vehicle drives over a breakover angle larger than what it is capable of clearing, the vehicle will contact the apex of the angle, which will quite likely prevent the vehicle from continuing any further in its direction of travel, possibly even completely immobilizing the vehicle.

Breakover angle

Breakover angle is a relevant performance metric in many common vehicle scenarios, including: * Off-roading. * Loading a vehicle onto a higher surface with a ramp. * Going over raised railroad crossings. * Going over speed bumps * Going over linkspans If a vehicle drives over a breakover angle larger than what it is capable of clearing, the vehicle will contact the apex of the angle, which will quite likely prevent the vehicle from continuing any further in its direction of travel, possibly even completely immobilizing the vehicle.