Building superintendent

A building superintendent or building supervisor (often shortened to super) is a manager responsible for repair and maintenance in a residential building. They are the first point of contact for residents of the building. They are expected to take care of minor issues and repairs, such as small leaks or blockages, the heating, and the security. For larger jobs and major repairs, they will organize, call, and supervise the work of the contractors. Building superintendents often get discounts in their rent, free rent, or free rent plus a salary in exchange for their services. The amount of compensation they receive is usually proportional to the size of the building.

Building superintendent

A building superintendent or building supervisor (often shortened to super) is a manager responsible for repair and maintenance in a residential building. They are the first point of contact for residents of the building. They are expected to take care of minor issues and repairs, such as small leaks or blockages, the heating, and the security. For larger jobs and major repairs, they will organize, call, and supervise the work of the contractors. Building superintendents often get discounts in their rent, free rent, or free rent plus a salary in exchange for their services. The amount of compensation they receive is usually proportional to the size of the building.