Burka Avenger

Burka Avenger is a multi-award-winning Pakistani animated television series created by Aaron Haroon Rashid (a.k.a. Haroon). The series was produced at Unicorn Black in Islamabad, Pakistan. It was originally premiered on Geo Tez, but from season 2, Nick Pakistan is it's original network. Four seasons, containing a total of 52 episodes of about 22 minutes each, have been launched to great success in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India and dubbed in 10 languages including Turkish, Arabic, Tamil, Pashto, and Persian.

Burka Avenger

Burka Avenger is a multi-award-winning Pakistani animated television series created by Aaron Haroon Rashid (a.k.a. Haroon). The series was produced at Unicorn Black in Islamabad, Pakistan. It was originally premiered on Geo Tez, but from season 2, Nick Pakistan is it's original network. Four seasons, containing a total of 52 episodes of about 22 minutes each, have been launched to great success in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India and dubbed in 10 languages including Turkish, Arabic, Tamil, Pashto, and Persian.