Burlington Arcade

The Burlington Arcade is a covered shopping arcade in London, that runs behind Bond Street from Piccadilly through to Burlington Gardens. It is one of the precursors of the mid-19th-century European shopping gallery and the modern shopping centre. The Burlington Arcade was built "for the sale of jewellery and fancy articles of fashionable demand, for the gratification of the public". In 2012, it was reported that the Burlington Arcade is owned by the London-based Dutch privately held real estate investment company Meyer Bergman.

Burlington Arcade

The Burlington Arcade is a covered shopping arcade in London, that runs behind Bond Street from Piccadilly through to Burlington Gardens. It is one of the precursors of the mid-19th-century European shopping gallery and the modern shopping centre. The Burlington Arcade was built "for the sale of jewellery and fancy articles of fashionable demand, for the gratification of the public". In 2012, it was reported that the Burlington Arcade is owned by the London-based Dutch privately held real estate investment company Meyer Bergman.