Cândido da Fonseca Galvão

Cândido da Fonseca Galvão, also known as Dom Obá II D'África (Lençóis, 1845-1890), was a Brazilian military and nobleman. Son of freed Africans, and grandson of the Obá (king) Abiodun of the Oyo Empire, he was also known simply as Dom Obá. With the fall of the Brazilian Empire in 1889, Galvão was persecuted by the republicans, who annulled his military rank of alferes. He died soon after, in 1890. As Eduardo Silva writes: 'His death made the front pages of Rio's newspapers, and nearly every article about him emphasized the prince's "enormous tribe of followers" or "his immense popularity."'

Cândido da Fonseca Galvão

Cândido da Fonseca Galvão, also known as Dom Obá II D'África (Lençóis, 1845-1890), was a Brazilian military and nobleman. Son of freed Africans, and grandson of the Obá (king) Abiodun of the Oyo Empire, he was also known simply as Dom Obá. With the fall of the Brazilian Empire in 1889, Galvão was persecuted by the republicans, who annulled his military rank of alferes. He died soon after, in 1890. As Eduardo Silva writes: 'His death made the front pages of Rio's newspapers, and nearly every article about him emphasized the prince's "enormous tribe of followers" or "his immense popularity."'