CGS Minto

CGS Minto was one of Government of Canada's first icebreakers.She was modeled after the Government's first effective icebreaker, the CGS Stanley, but was slightly longer and more powerful. Like her berthmate her primary winter duties were keeping Prince Edward Island connected to the mainland—one of the conditions under which PEI had entered Confederation.Like her berthmate she was tasked with scientific expedition, and lighthouse maintenance during the summer months.

CGS Minto

CGS Minto was one of Government of Canada's first icebreakers.She was modeled after the Government's first effective icebreaker, the CGS Stanley, but was slightly longer and more powerful. Like her berthmate her primary winter duties were keeping Prince Edward Island connected to the mainland—one of the conditions under which PEI had entered Confederation.Like her berthmate she was tasked with scientific expedition, and lighthouse maintenance during the summer months.