Caixanova Business School

Caixanova Business School (Escuela de Negocios Caixanova in Spanish) is a private business school located in Vigo (Spain), established in 1987. It is one of the highest ranked business schools in Spain (the only one in the top 10 out of Madrid or Barcelona). It has been included amongst the best business schools in the world, according to the list made by Eduniversal, ranked as “Good Business School”. Its MBA is considered one of the best master's degrees in Business Administration in Spain (out of 300 available).

Caixanova Business School

Caixanova Business School (Escuela de Negocios Caixanova in Spanish) is a private business school located in Vigo (Spain), established in 1987. It is one of the highest ranked business schools in Spain (the only one in the top 10 out of Madrid or Barcelona). It has been included amongst the best business schools in the world, according to the list made by Eduniversal, ranked as “Good Business School”. Its MBA is considered one of the best master's degrees in Business Administration in Spain (out of 300 available).