California Proposition 90 (2006)

California Proposition 90 was a 2006 ballot initiative in the state of California, United States. Passing of the initiative would have made two changes to California law: * Eminent domain could not be used by government except to provide facilities for public use, to abate specific public nuisances, and to act in a declared state of emergency. (This was a reaction to the Supreme Court's decision in Kelo v. City of New London.) * Government would be required to reimburse property owners whose property value is decreased as a result of any government regulation or action.

California Proposition 90 (2006)

California Proposition 90 was a 2006 ballot initiative in the state of California, United States. Passing of the initiative would have made two changes to California law: * Eminent domain could not be used by government except to provide facilities for public use, to abate specific public nuisances, and to act in a declared state of emergency. (This was a reaction to the Supreme Court's decision in Kelo v. City of New London.) * Government would be required to reimburse property owners whose property value is decreased as a result of any government regulation or action.