Caloplaca trachyphylla

Caloplaca trachyphylla (desert firedot lichen) is an orange crustose lichen that grows on rock in Europe, North America, and northern Asia. Crostose placoidioid Lobes are elongate It differs from Caloplaca saxicola in that .C. trachyphylla it has a larger thallus and has lobes with tiny warts on them (verruculose).

Caloplaca trachyphylla

Caloplaca trachyphylla (desert firedot lichen) is an orange crustose lichen that grows on rock in Europe, North America, and northern Asia. Crostose placoidioid Lobes are elongate It differs from Caloplaca saxicola in that .C. trachyphylla it has a larger thallus and has lobes with tiny warts on them (verruculose).