Camp Rockmont for Boys

Camp Rockmont for Boys is a Christian residential boys summer camp in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Rockmont was founded in 1956 on the former campus of Black Mountain College. Three full sessions, including a 13-day, a 20-day, and a 27-day session, are held each summer, with each full session also being split into shorter sessions, including 6-day or 13-day sessions. Capacity for each session is about 400 boys, with each session varying slightly depending on enrollment.

Camp Rockmont for Boys

Camp Rockmont for Boys is a Christian residential boys summer camp in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Rockmont was founded in 1956 on the former campus of Black Mountain College. Three full sessions, including a 13-day, a 20-day, and a 27-day session, are held each summer, with each full session also being split into shorter sessions, including 6-day or 13-day sessions. Capacity for each session is about 400 boys, with each session varying slightly depending on enrollment.