Canadian Afghan detainee issue

For a more detailed timeline of events, see Timeline of the Canadian Afghan detainee issue. The Canadian Afghan detainee issue concerns whether or not the Government of Canada and/or the Canadian Forces (CF) had knowledge about alleged abusive treatment of detainees in Afghanistan. The alleged abuse occurred after Afghans were detained by Canadian Forces, and subsequently transferred to the Afghan National Army (ANA) or the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) during the War in Afghanistan. The issue has sparked heated debate since Article 12 of the Third Geneva Convention (of which Canada is a signatory) states that "the Detaining Power [Canada] is responsible for the treatment given [to prisoners of war]". If the allegations of torture are true it would mean Canada is guilty of

Canadian Afghan detainee issue

For a more detailed timeline of events, see Timeline of the Canadian Afghan detainee issue. The Canadian Afghan detainee issue concerns whether or not the Government of Canada and/or the Canadian Forces (CF) had knowledge about alleged abusive treatment of detainees in Afghanistan. The alleged abuse occurred after Afghans were detained by Canadian Forces, and subsequently transferred to the Afghan National Army (ANA) or the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) during the War in Afghanistan. The issue has sparked heated debate since Article 12 of the Third Geneva Convention (of which Canada is a signatory) states that "the Detaining Power [Canada] is responsible for the treatment given [to prisoners of war]". If the allegations of torture are true it would mean Canada is guilty of