Canberra Pact

The Canberra Pact was a treaty of mutual defence between the governments of Australia and New Zealand, signed on 21 January 1944. This Pact was not a military alliance; its focus was on working together on issues of mutual interest. New Zealand and Australia signed the pact in order to promote national interests in the postwar negotiations. They wanted a vital stake in the disposition of the islands south of the equator and knew that they needed to do this to have their voice heard by the other allies. The Canberra Pact was the first treaty signed independently by New Zealand.

Canberra Pact

The Canberra Pact was a treaty of mutual defence between the governments of Australia and New Zealand, signed on 21 January 1944. This Pact was not a military alliance; its focus was on working together on issues of mutual interest. New Zealand and Australia signed the pact in order to promote national interests in the postwar negotiations. They wanted a vital stake in the disposition of the islands south of the equator and knew that they needed to do this to have their voice heard by the other allies. The Canberra Pact was the first treaty signed independently by New Zealand.