Cancionero de Upsala

The Cancionero de Upsala [sic] is the title commonly given to a volume of mostly anonymous Spanish music printed in Venice in 1556 and actually titled Villancicos de diuersos Autores, a dos, y a tres, y a quatro, y ya a cinco bozes...Venetiis, Apud Hieronymum Scotum, MDLVI. It survives in a unique copy at the Uppsala University Library and was edited in 1909 by Rafael Mitjana; the subsequent literature has mostly adopted his spelling "Upsala" ("Upsala" being the historic Swedish spelling of "Uppsala" until the major spelling reform of 1906). A facsimile was published by Alamire (Peer, Belgium 1984).

Cancionero de Upsala

The Cancionero de Upsala [sic] is the title commonly given to a volume of mostly anonymous Spanish music printed in Venice in 1556 and actually titled Villancicos de diuersos Autores, a dos, y a tres, y a quatro, y ya a cinco bozes...Venetiis, Apud Hieronymum Scotum, MDLVI. It survives in a unique copy at the Uppsala University Library and was edited in 1909 by Rafael Mitjana; the subsequent literature has mostly adopted his spelling "Upsala" ("Upsala" being the historic Swedish spelling of "Uppsala" until the major spelling reform of 1906). A facsimile was published by Alamire (Peer, Belgium 1984).