Carleton College Cowling Arboretum

The Carleton College Cowling Arboretum (also referred to as the Arb) consists of approximately 880 acres (360 hectares) of land adjacent to Carleton College, in Northfield, Minnesota. It was created under President Donald J. Cowling and Professor Harvey E. Stork in the 1920s. Professor Stork and Superintendent of Grounds D. Blake Stewart ("Stewsie") were responsible for much of the early development of the Arboretum, and their influences can still be seen and felt in many places. Stork and Stewsie were remarkable land managers, and it can be argued that they were among the nation's first restoration ecologists. In particular, their planting of upland forest trees and wildflowers in the Upper Arboretum (Stork Forest) decades ago is now coming to impressive maturity.

Carleton College Cowling Arboretum

The Carleton College Cowling Arboretum (also referred to as the Arb) consists of approximately 880 acres (360 hectares) of land adjacent to Carleton College, in Northfield, Minnesota. It was created under President Donald J. Cowling and Professor Harvey E. Stork in the 1920s. Professor Stork and Superintendent of Grounds D. Blake Stewart ("Stewsie") were responsible for much of the early development of the Arboretum, and their influences can still be seen and felt in many places. Stork and Stewsie were remarkable land managers, and it can be argued that they were among the nation's first restoration ecologists. In particular, their planting of upland forest trees and wildflowers in the Upper Arboretum (Stork Forest) decades ago is now coming to impressive maturity.