Carmen Velacoracho de Lara

Carmen Velacoracho de Lara (1880s–1960) was a Spanish-Cuban writer, journalist, feminist, monarchist, and women's rights activist. She was co-author of El libro amarillo (The yellow book), a pro-feminist manifesto published in Cuba in the early 20th century, which she drafted along with her husband, landowner Pío Fernández de Lara Zalda. During the 1920s Velacoracho left Cuba for a time to live in the United States. During World War II, her open antisemitism led her to become a Nazi sympathizer. She wrote two biographies of Adolf Hitler, whom she characterized as a champion of Christianity.

Carmen Velacoracho de Lara

Carmen Velacoracho de Lara (1880s–1960) was a Spanish-Cuban writer, journalist, feminist, monarchist, and women's rights activist. She was co-author of El libro amarillo (The yellow book), a pro-feminist manifesto published in Cuba in the early 20th century, which she drafted along with her husband, landowner Pío Fernández de Lara Zalda. During the 1920s Velacoracho left Cuba for a time to live in the United States. During World War II, her open antisemitism led her to become a Nazi sympathizer. She wrote two biographies of Adolf Hitler, whom she characterized as a champion of Christianity.