Case of Mines

The Case of Mines or R v Earl of Northumberland was decided in 1568. Twelve judges decided authoritatively “that by the law all mines of gold and silver within the realm, whether they be in the lands of the Queen, or of subjects, belong to the Queen by prerogative, with liberty to dig and carry away the ores thereof, and with other such incidents thereto as are necessary to be used for the getting of the ore.”

Case of Mines

The Case of Mines or R v Earl of Northumberland was decided in 1568. Twelve judges decided authoritatively “that by the law all mines of gold and silver within the realm, whether they be in the lands of the Queen, or of subjects, belong to the Queen by prerogative, with liberty to dig and carry away the ores thereof, and with other such incidents thereto as are necessary to be used for the getting of the ore.”