Castle Bytham Quarry

Castle Bytham quarry is a disused quarry located close to the centre of the village of Castle Bytham, Lincolnshire, England. It is famous for the exposure of Laeviuscula Zone ammonite fauna has allowed the dating of the Upper Lincolnshire limestone formation to the Bajocian era, and thereby dating other deposits around Europe. When the quarry was opened in the 1850s A Bronze age arrowhead and a Saxon burial were found in the overburden.

Castle Bytham Quarry

Castle Bytham quarry is a disused quarry located close to the centre of the village of Castle Bytham, Lincolnshire, England. It is famous for the exposure of Laeviuscula Zone ammonite fauna has allowed the dating of the Upper Lincolnshire limestone formation to the Bajocian era, and thereby dating other deposits around Europe. When the quarry was opened in the 1850s A Bronze age arrowhead and a Saxon burial were found in the overburden.