Castle Greyhawk

Castle Greyhawk is one of the central dungeon settings in the fictional World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. The Castle was originally developed by Gary Gygax for his own campaign and later detailed for publication. Castle Greyhawk is also the name of a 1988 Dungeons & Dragons adventure module that offered a tongue-in-cheek treatment of the Castle. In 2005, Gary Gygax announced the release of "Castle Zagyg," his new treatment of the dungeon.

Castle Greyhawk

Castle Greyhawk is one of the central dungeon settings in the fictional World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. The Castle was originally developed by Gary Gygax for his own campaign and later detailed for publication. Castle Greyhawk is also the name of a 1988 Dungeons & Dragons adventure module that offered a tongue-in-cheek treatment of the Castle. In 2005, Gary Gygax announced the release of "Castle Zagyg," his new treatment of the dungeon.