Catalan Sign Language

Catalan Sign Language (Catalan: Llengua de signes catalana, LSC; IPA: [ˈʎeŋɡwə ðə ˈsiŋnəs kətəˈɫanə]) is a sign language used by around 18,000 people in different regions of Spain including Barcelona and Catalonia. As of 2012, the Catalan Federation for the Deaf estimates 25,000 LSC signers and roughly 12,000 deaf people around the Catalan region. It has about 50% intelligibility with Spanish Sign Language (LSE). On the basis of mutual intelligibility, lexicon, and social attitudes, linguists have argued that LSC and LSE are distinct languages.

Catalan Sign Language

Catalan Sign Language (Catalan: Llengua de signes catalana, LSC; IPA: [ˈʎeŋɡwə ðə ˈsiŋnəs kətəˈɫanə]) is a sign language used by around 18,000 people in different regions of Spain including Barcelona and Catalonia. As of 2012, the Catalan Federation for the Deaf estimates 25,000 LSC signers and roughly 12,000 deaf people around the Catalan region. It has about 50% intelligibility with Spanish Sign Language (LSE). On the basis of mutual intelligibility, lexicon, and social attitudes, linguists have argued that LSC and LSE are distinct languages.