Center for Responsible Lending

The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) is a nonprofit organization research and policy group based in Durham, North Carolina. Its stated purpose is to educate the public about financial products and to push for policies that curb predatory lending. On its website and elsewhere, CRL describes its mission as that of “protecting homeownership and family wealth by working to eliminate abusive financial practices.” CRL is affiliated with the Center for Community Self-Help.

Center for Responsible Lending

The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) is a nonprofit organization research and policy group based in Durham, North Carolina. Its stated purpose is to educate the public about financial products and to push for policies that curb predatory lending. On its website and elsewhere, CRL describes its mission as that of “protecting homeownership and family wealth by working to eliminate abusive financial practices.” CRL is affiliated with the Center for Community Self-Help.