Centre-left politics

Centre-left politics or moderate left politics is an adherence to views leaning to the left-wing but closer to the centre on the left-right political spectrum than other left-wing variants. Centre-leftists believe in working within the established systems to improve social justice. The centre-left promotes a degree of social equality that it believes is achievable through promoting equal opportunity. The centre-left has promoted luck egalitarianism, which emphasises the achievement of equality requires personal responsibility in areas in control by the individual person through their abilities and talents, and social responsibility in areas outside control by the individual person in their abilities or talents.

Centre-left politics

Centre-left politics or moderate left politics is an adherence to views leaning to the left-wing but closer to the centre on the left-right political spectrum than other left-wing variants. Centre-leftists believe in working within the established systems to improve social justice. The centre-left promotes a degree of social equality that it believes is achievable through promoting equal opportunity. The centre-left has promoted luck egalitarianism, which emphasises the achievement of equality requires personal responsibility in areas in control by the individual person through their abilities and talents, and social responsibility in areas outside control by the individual person in their abilities or talents.