
Cercyon (Greek: Κερκύων, -ονος) was a figure in Greek mythology. He was the King of Eleusis, and a very strong man. According to the different versions, he was the son of: * Poseidon and one of the daughters of Amphictyon, or * Poseidon and the nymph Argiope, or * Branchus and the nymph Argiope or * Hephaestus. He had two children, Alope and Hippothous. Cercyon's daughter, Alope, had an affair with (or was raped by) Poseidon, and she beget Hippothoon (or Hippothous). Cercyon had his daughter buried alive, but Poseidon turned her into the spring, Alope, near Eleusis.


Cercyon (Greek: Κερκύων, -ονος) was a figure in Greek mythology. He was the King of Eleusis, and a very strong man. According to the different versions, he was the son of: * Poseidon and one of the daughters of Amphictyon, or * Poseidon and the nymph Argiope, or * Branchus and the nymph Argiope or * Hephaestus. He had two children, Alope and Hippothous. Cercyon's daughter, Alope, had an affair with (or was raped by) Poseidon, and she beget Hippothoon (or Hippothous). Cercyon had his daughter buried alive, but Poseidon turned her into the spring, Alope, near Eleusis.