Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe

Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe is a restaurant located in Boston's South End that is known for serving African-American jazz musicians during the era of segregated hotels, The walls of the diner are adorned with pictures of customers ranging from Sammy Davis, Jr., Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, to Vice President Al Gore, President Barack Obama former Red Sox Manager Bobby Valentine to Governor Deval Patrick. As a child, Sammy Davis, Jr used to tap dance in front of the restaurant for change. A remodeled Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe re-opened on January 22, 2016.

Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe

Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe is a restaurant located in Boston's South End that is known for serving African-American jazz musicians during the era of segregated hotels, The walls of the diner are adorned with pictures of customers ranging from Sammy Davis, Jr., Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, to Vice President Al Gore, President Barack Obama former Red Sox Manager Bobby Valentine to Governor Deval Patrick. As a child, Sammy Davis, Jr used to tap dance in front of the restaurant for change. A remodeled Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe re-opened on January 22, 2016.