
ChemPlusChem is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering chemistry and published by Wiley-VCH on behalf of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It was established in 1929 by E. Votoček and J. Heyrovský and renamed in 1939 to Collection tschechischer chemischer Forschungsarbeiten/Collection des travaux chimiques tchèques/Collection of Czech Chemical Communications for one year. Publication was suspended until 1947, when it resumed publication as Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications. It obtained its current name in 2012. The editor-in-chief is Neville Compton.


ChemPlusChem is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering chemistry and published by Wiley-VCH on behalf of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It was established in 1929 by E. Votoček and J. Heyrovský and renamed in 1939 to Collection tschechischer chemischer Forschungsarbeiten/Collection des travaux chimiques tchèques/Collection of Czech Chemical Communications for one year. Publication was suspended until 1947, when it resumed publication as Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications. It obtained its current name in 2012. The editor-in-chief is Neville Compton.