Chian diaspora

The Chian diaspora was the dispersal of most of the remaining population of the Aegean island of Chios, after the Chios Massacre of 1822. At the beginning of the 19th century, Chios was the home of many merchant and ship-owning families, who earned great wealth by shipping grain from the Ukraine to western Europe and manufactured goods back from western Europe to the Ottoman Empire. These families, like most of the population of Chios, were of mixed Greek and Genoese descent.

Chian diaspora

The Chian diaspora was the dispersal of most of the remaining population of the Aegean island of Chios, after the Chios Massacre of 1822. At the beginning of the 19th century, Chios was the home of many merchant and ship-owning families, who earned great wealth by shipping grain from the Ukraine to western Europe and manufactured goods back from western Europe to the Ottoman Empire. These families, like most of the population of Chios, were of mixed Greek and Genoese descent.