Chief analytics officer

Chief analytics officer (CAO) is a job title for the senior manager responsible for the analysis of data within an organization, such as a listed company or an educational institution. The CAO often reports to the chief executive officer. No specific qualification is typical of CAOs in general. Many have advanced degrees in mathematics, statistics, economics, or econometrics but this is by no means universal. Many were analysts in the past. Changing role of the Chief Data Officer and growth in the Chief Analytics Office Second Generation CDOs and the shift into a CAO Innovation through data!

Chief analytics officer

Chief analytics officer (CAO) is a job title for the senior manager responsible for the analysis of data within an organization, such as a listed company or an educational institution. The CAO often reports to the chief executive officer. No specific qualification is typical of CAOs in general. Many have advanced degrees in mathematics, statistics, economics, or econometrics but this is by no means universal. Many were analysts in the past. Changing role of the Chief Data Officer and growth in the Chief Analytics Office Second Generation CDOs and the shift into a CAO Innovation through data!