Chremonidean War

The Chremonidean War (267–261 BC) was fought by a coalition of Greek city-states against Macedonian domination. The end result of this conflict was a Macedonian victory which confirmed Antigonid control over the city states of Greece. After the fall of Athens, she lost her last pre-Hellenistic vestiges of independence and was garrisoned by Macedonian troops until 229 BC.

Chremonidean War

The Chremonidean War (267–261 BC) was fought by a coalition of Greek city-states against Macedonian domination. The end result of this conflict was a Macedonian victory which confirmed Antigonid control over the city states of Greece. After the fall of Athens, she lost her last pre-Hellenistic vestiges of independence and was garrisoned by Macedonian troops until 229 BC.