Christian Medical College, Ludhiana

The Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, India was the first medical school for women in Asia. It was founded by Dame Edith Mary Brown in 1894. The medical missionary work was started in Ludhiana in 1881 by the Greenfield sisters, Martha Rose and Kay. They were evangelists and educationalists from Scotland. The pioneering medical work of the Greenfield sisters was the precursor of the Medical Training and Health Care Service Programme of the present Christian Medical College, Ludhiana.

Christian Medical College, Ludhiana

The Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, India was the first medical school for women in Asia. It was founded by Dame Edith Mary Brown in 1894. The medical missionary work was started in Ludhiana in 1881 by the Greenfield sisters, Martha Rose and Kay. They were evangelists and educationalists from Scotland. The pioneering medical work of the Greenfield sisters was the precursor of the Medical Training and Health Care Service Programme of the present Christian Medical College, Ludhiana.