
Chrysiasis (Gk, chrysos - 'gold', osis - 'condition of') is a dermatological condition induced by the parenteral administration of gold salts, usually for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Such treatment has been superseded as the best practice for treating the disease because of "numerous side effects and monitoring requirements, their limited efficacy, and very slow onset of action". Gold can be identified in the skin chemically by light microscopy, electron microscopy, and spectroscopy. There is no way to reverse or treat chrysiasis.


Chrysiasis (Gk, chrysos - 'gold', osis - 'condition of') is a dermatological condition induced by the parenteral administration of gold salts, usually for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Such treatment has been superseded as the best practice for treating the disease because of "numerous side effects and monitoring requirements, their limited efficacy, and very slow onset of action". Gold can be identified in the skin chemically by light microscopy, electron microscopy, and spectroscopy. There is no way to reverse or treat chrysiasis.